Monday, April 24, 2006


Yesterday afternoon, when the weather cleared and it was nice and sunny, we went over to Brookside Gardens to see if we could spot the screech owl that Debbie and Seth have been seeing. It was there. Next time I am going to take my binoculars.

After that we walked to Wheaton Regional Park, which adjoins Brookside, so that Seth could ride the swings and drive the playground cars. They also have an antique carousel at the park, which was running yesterday. Here is what the Montgomery County Park and Planning web site has to say about it.

"A favorite attraction of the park is the restored 1915 carousel originally built by the Herschell Spillman Co. of North Tonawanda, New York. From the 1960's until the early 1980's, the carousel was operated on the Mall in Washington, DC, after which it was moved to Wheaton Regional Park."

As it turns out, I met the guy that owned this carousel when it was on the Mall. He is the same guy that had the big Victor dog on Rt 29. We went over there to check the dog out when we were building a homecoming float and he showed us his antique car and jukebox collections too. At that time he told us he owned the carousel on the mall as well. This was about 1981.

Seth and Debbie went for a ride. They enjoyed it and I found out why dads like to stand and wave every time the carousel goes around. It's fun!

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