Friday, October 27, 2006

New Baby

After making the first announcements to the immediate family I am now starting to think a little more about our new baby in the works. The due date is about May 10 so that still seems pretty far away. However, as of today, Debbie is in the second trimester, which means that we are already 1/3 of the way there, which is a little hard to believe.

Beth asked me yesterday if it was "Real" yet. Frankly, it's not too real to me yet.

Seth doesn't really have any grasp of this yet. We have not talked to him specifically about it and I don't think he would understand anyway. It is such a long way off. He doesn't have a concept of "tomorrow" yet much less "May."

Speaking of Seth, he had his two year doctor visit yesterday. Everything is fine. He is 33 1/2 inches tall and weighs 26 pounds.

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