Monday, August 16, 2004

Baby School - Part Two

Blogger is really running slowly this morning. I suppose there are a lot of folks down in Florida writing about hurricane Charley. The storm passed to the east of us so we didn't get nearly as much rain as was forecast.

Baby school on Saturday went well. We got an education about cesarean sections; why they do them, how they are done, etc. In most cases it looks like the decision to do a cesarean is made during labor because of one or more complications. For instance, any time the baby is coming out any way other than head first. As an interesting side note, the teacher told us that part of the reason more cesareans are done is because the lawyers want it that way. Apparently they think is it less risky to do abdominal surgery than to try turning the baby during delivery. This may be so, but do we really want lawyers making our health care decisions in advance?

We went to look for a carpet for the baby's room yesterday... no luck.