Wednesday, December 29, 2004


It is hard to grasp the scale of the the Tsunami disaster. The photos of destruction all look about the same. The images of distraught survivors are all disturbing. Looking at this from half a world away we can't perceive the destruction in a personal way; we are detached, geographically and emotionally. I can only shake my head and say, "What a horrible thing."

1 comment:

RDR said...

We can not grasp or understand the scope of the disruction and its impact on families. See see only flat screen images and there is no depth. No smell. no sound.

We know that there is death and distruction, but it is remote. It does not touch us. We know how it happened but not why.

Was there a why? Probably not. It is part of the chaos of the earth and the cosmos. The earth shifted as the result of gravitional forces on the core and one plate was subducted. An ocean wave formed and people happened to be in the wrong place.