Friday, February 11, 2005

Change is a good Thing

I was reading some of my early posts and realized that a year ago we dind't yet know that we were going to have a baby. It seems as if Seth has always been a part of our lives, and yet, not that long ago, we had no idea that he would be with us.

Early on people were more than happy to tell us how much our lives would change. Well, Debbie's life has changed a lot because she is staying home from work, but I don't feel like there has been a huge amount of change. Certainly my focus is different than it used to be, and we have a lot of brightly colored plastic stuff in the house. But, all in all, I don't really feel like it has been a huge adjustment.

The best change has been seeing two smiling faces at the door when I get home from work. That alone is worth whatever little things I have given up or adjustments I have made.

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